JUMP TOZeroDev APIGas Sponsor PoliciesRemove a policydeleteReplace a policyputModify a policypostList policiesgetAdd a policypostKnown ContractsRemove a known contractdeleteList known contractsgetAdd a known contractpostProjectsList all projectsgetCreate a new projectpostList all team projectsgetCreate a new team projectpostGet self-custody passkey walletgetGet a project's statisticspostGet a projectgetRemove a projectdeleteSettingsGet Custodial InformationgetActivates Custodial FunctionpostGet Authentication ProvidersgetUpdate Authentication ProviderpostTeamsAccept invitationgetList all teamsgetCreate a new teampostGet a list of team usersgetRemove user from teamdeleteGet monthly spend data for the teamgetGet project spend data for the team within a date rangegetGet a list of invited team usersgetInvites user to teampostRevoke team invitedeleteGet team informationgetRemoves a teamdeleteV2/ChainsList all chainsgetV2/Gas Sponsor PoliciesCreate a policy for one, many, or all project chains (atomic).postRemove a policydeleteReplace a policyputModify a policypostList policies for a project and chaingetAdd a policy to a project and chainpostV2/ProjectsList all team projectsgetCreate a new team projectpostGet a project by ID, including its associated chainsgetUpdate project detailsputRemove a projectdeleteWalletsGet Wallet Id for IdentifierpostWhitelisted DomainsRemove a whitelisted domaindeleteList whitelisted domainsgetAdd a new whitelisted domainpostZeroDev Kernel APIAccountsGet deterministic account address - v2getGet deterministic account address - v1getGet accounts linked to signer EOAgetGet accounts linked to a guardian EOAgetGet guardians for accountgetGet accounts by addressgetPowered by Invites user to teampost https://prod-api.zerodev.app/teams/{teamId}/invites